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May 4

JBNHS’ 9th annual Big Sit is also our BIG fundraiser for the year (that’s why we do our’s in May) but serves too as a friendly competition between the established sits.  Do you have a birdy back deck or favorite patch and a cause worth birding for?  Why not join the challenge and see how many species you can identify from a 17’ diameter circle and get friends and family to pledge to your effort.  In the past money has been raised to help worthy endeavors like numerous enhancements at SGNWR, support the wonderful New York State Young Birders Club, installation of  Where to Bird in Ulster County panels now located at four locations about the county, create Naturalist’s Backpacks for area libraries to lend out, and aid Annie Mardiney’s important educational and rehabilitation work at Wild Mountain Birds. 

Donations can be based on a pledge per species (specific sit or cumulative) or flat donation. Donations can be made online (click on the Support the Big Sit button below) or by check. Please make checks payable to JBNHS and note desired sit you’d like to support. Send in donations to Treasurer Lin Fagan,  281 West Chestnut Street, Kingston, NY, 12401.

Big Sit Descriptions:

Great Vly Sit – Team Bobcat will again be birding Fradon Marsh from a pressure treated tower and greatly helping our cumulative JBNHS Big Sit total with all those wonderful marsh birds and maybe a surprise like another Black Tern.   Support in 2022 allowed for the assembly and installation of over 30 Wood Duck boxes in the Vly!  Last year the Bobcats worked the same magic for the Wood Ducks in Tivoli Bays.  This year continued enhancements for both important NYSDEC WMA’s.

Kingston Point Sit – Team CoCo Puffs will bird from Harrison Point looking out over Kingston Point Lagoon, the mouth of the Rondout, and down river while tallying new spring arrivals and raising much needed funds for the important NYS Breeding Bird Atlas 3.

Galeville (SGNWR) Sit – Spend some time on the observation deck at Galeville (SGNWR) looking and listening for those ever important (and harder to find) grassland species. Team Shawangunk Redemption could have another Sandhill Crane up their sleeves.  Pledges raised here will benefit continuing improvements at the refuge.   Please contact Debbie Carney (deb.carney@gmail.com ) or Evelyn Leigh (evelynleigh11@gmail.com ) to plan and schedule your shift.

Thorn Preserve Sit – Please contact Olivia Bernard (oliviakbernard@gmail.com ) if you’d like to help.  The Thorn Thrashers will bird to support JBNHS’ newest initiative and continue the assembly of Naturalist Backpacks; specifically one or more to the Olive Free Library.

Bowdery’ Homestead Sit – Lynn and Allan and gifted birding grandkiddies will bird their yard with hopes of a good feeder bird to pad our cumulative list and raise the most money we can to distribute in June to important environmental and conservation concerns in the region. 

Hayes’ Homestead Sit – Dave and Tracey will bird their yard and do so for as good a cause as you could find, Wild Mountain Birds and JBNHS trustee Annie Mardiney’s awesome work.

Nyquist-Harcourt Sit – The Oxbow Oddballs will appropriately bird for our friends at the WVLT and the wonderful work they do.  This is a birdy location and the more eyes and ears the better so please contact Sara DeAngelis (saradeangelis@me.com ) or Deb Welstch (dweltsch13@gmail.com ) to help or to pledge support.

Fagan Homestead Sit – One of the best views in town and a cemetery for neighbors, does it get any better?  Treasurer Fagan definitely has the other Kingston locations beat in pedigree and if you support her birding could have fundraising bragging rights too.  

New Location for a Sit? – Please contact Mark DeDea (forsythnature@aol.com ) with any questions and to let us know about a new sit for promotional/ fundraising sake.


May 4


The field trips of JBNHS are oriented to nature study. They are free and open to the public. We do, however, sometimes visit sites that charge admission fees, which are the responsibility of the participants. Children are very welcome on field trips, but pets are not. Although there is a brief courtesy waiting period for latecomers, the meeting times are important: please arrive in time to sign up with the leader.


All participants should be aware of existing guidelines and new field trip protocol listed below:
(Scheduled field trips are listed below the guidelines)

Participant responsibility agreement while attending a JBNHS field trip or outing. Please note that there will be no physical sign-in sheet until further notice. By registering, each participant acknowledges both his/her understanding and acceptance of the Individual’s Responsibilities stated below.

Individual’s Responsibilities are:
1. To stay with the group, follow trip leader’s requests, and do not separate unless you notify trip leader
2. To understand that out-of-doors activities involve hazards and that one participates at one’s own risk
3. To wear with clothing and footwear appropriate to the terrain, and for sun and insect challenges as well
4. To adhere to the ABA Birding Code of Ethics, respect and preserve the flora, fauna, and properties we visit
5. To be mindful and courteous to other participants

Additionally, we will ask that all participants:
1. Fully vaccinated participants are not required to wear a mask for JBNHS field trips
2. Unvaccinated participants are required to wear a mask and when unable to do so, must social distance.
3. Optics may be shared if those involved are comfortable with doing so
4. Carpooling is at the discretion of participants.
5. Preregistration is required for all field trips and participation may be limited.

These guidelines are subject to change if the COVID-19 mutations make more restrictions necessary.

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