Ashokan Reservoir, about 12 miles long, fills two large basins in the towns of Olive and Hurley. Bald Eagles can be seen year round and a pair of Eagles has nested near the southern end of the dividing weir since 1999. Passerines forage in the winter and nest in the summer in the wooded areas around the aeration basin. In winter, as long as there is open water, loons, grebes, ducks and gulls are present. Walking and biking are permitted on the East Dyke and on Monument Road along the West Basin. Parking is available at three sites along CR 28A: at the Aeration Basin, the “donut” at the east end of the Dyke, and the west end of Monument Rd. Access to the shore and the water is limited to individuals with fishing licenses and permits. All other access is prohibited. The Reservoir is closely monitored by guards from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and visitors must remain only in the areas permitted by the NYCDEP.
Directions: From Exit 19 of I-87 in Kingston, take SR 28 west 12 miles to the village of Shokan. Turn left at Winchell’s Corner onto Reservoir Road and drive 4 miles to the southern end of the dividing weir. Turn left and follow the road downhill. To park at the “donut,” take the first left fork onto SR 28A, go about 1-1/2 mile and turn left into the driveway for the parking area. To park at the Aeration Basin, take the first right fork after the weir onto SR 28A, and turn right into the parking area. Continue on SR 28A for about 3 miles to reach the parking area at Monument Road.
Latitude, Longitude: 41°56’53″N, 74°12’15″W (Aeration Basin)
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