SATURDAY, MAY 5, 2018 – Once again, JBNHS is pleased to invite you to participate in the Ulster County Big Sit. Now in its third year, the Big Sit is a combination of friendly competition and a fun and creative way for JBNHS to raise a little money to help support local environmental and educational efforts. Participants in the JBNHS/Ulster County Big Sit should plan to spend up to 24 hours in one of three established 17-foot diameter circles: Lenape Trail at Kingston Point, Galeville (SGNWR), and The Great Vly on West Camp Road. Sitters record the number of bird species heard and/or seen from within your circle. Pledges can be made by participants and by non-participants and usually range from 25 cents to a dollar per species. The cumulative total for the three locations in 2017 was a remarkable 100 species.
How to pledge your support:
Contact JBNHS Treasurer Lin Fagan,, to make a pledge based on one of these options.
Option A: Pick one of the three identified Ulster County Big Sit locations to support their cause. Your donation is based on that Sit’s results only and fuels this friendly competition;
Option B: Make your donation based on the cumulative results of all species identified at ALL locations. That money goes to JBNHS for our typical endeavors such as DEC camperships and aid to local environmental and educational efforts. Dispersal of funds is decided at our annual June meeting.
In 2017, six volunteers covered the Sit at Kingston Point for 12 1/2 hours with proceeds going to revitalize the kiosk near Lenape Trail. Efforts to continue to make Kingston Point more bird friendly is the goal in 2018. Eight volunteers covered the Galeville (SGNWR) Sit for 12 hours with proceeds supporting the efforts of Friends of SGNWR, whose goals for 2018 include enlarging the butterfly garden and attending to a desperate need to replace bluebird nesting boxes. Peter Schoenberger spent 18 hrs in the new tower along the Great Vly and raised funds for Dr. Glenn Proudfoot’s research of Saw-whet Owls. Donations to this site will continue to support Glenn’s research in 2018.
How to participate at one of the three locations:
Contact Mark DeDea for the best times to help at Lenape Trail.
Contact Peter Schoenberger if interested ONLY in a FULL day at the Great Vly.
Contact Donna Seymour about helping at the Grasslands.
Early May is the most spectacular and productive time to be out-of-doors in the birding world. Please sign up today to participate at one of the 3 locations and pledge your support by contacting Lin Fagan.