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June 29, 2024

Rain Date: Sunday, June 30
Join a field team to census butterflies in Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, or one of dozens of other local sites as a participant in the annual Eastern Catskills North American Butterfly Association (NABA) “Fourth of July” Butterfly Count on Saturday, June 29, 2024. The Eastern Catskills count circle includes a number of productive butterfly locations in northern Ulster, southeastern Greene, and western Dutchess Counties, including Poet’s Walk Preserve, Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, The Great Vly WMA, Onteora State Park, Overlook Mountain, Lower Platte Clove, the eastern end of Ashokan Reservoir, and extensive open meadows in the Town of Ulster. Participants will be assigned to a field party to census one or more target locations within the 15-mile diameter count circle. Each field party will be assigned at least one individual knowledgeable in butterfly identification, so you don’t need to be a butterfly expert to participate. Full-day participation is not required, but you should be able to commit four to eight hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining one of the field teams, or have additional questions about participating in a NABA Butterfly Count, please contact Steve Chorvas at schorvas@gmail.com no later than June 15.


June 29, 2024



All participants should be aware of existing guidelines and new field trip protocol listed below:
Participant responsibility agreement while attending a JBNHS field trip: By registering, each participant acknowledges their acceptance of the Individual’s Responsibilities.

Individual’s Responsibilities are:

  1. To stay with the group, follow trip leader’s requests, and do not separate unless you notify trip leader
  2. To understand that out-of-doors activities involve hazards and that one participates at one’s own risk
  3. To wear clothing and footwear appropriate to the terrain, and for sun and insect challenges as well
  4. To adhere to the ABA Birding Code of Ethics, respect and preserve the flora, fauna, and properties we visit
  5. To be mindful and courteous to other participants


  1. Optics may be shared if those involved are comfortable with doing so
  2. Carpooling is at the discretion of participants.
  3. Preregistration is required for all field trips and participation may be limited.

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